Periodontal disease is a long-term infection caused by bacteria in the gums. This disease causes inflammation beneath the gums. If this Gum or periodontal infection is left untreated, it can completely destroy the bone in the region of your teeth which will result in tooth loss. Studies have shown that approximately 75% of tooth loss in adult is owing to bacterial infectivity in the gums.
Some of the causes of periodontal infection are –
Normally no pain is observed in Periodontal infection, but the stage is advanced, little pain is felt by the patient. Bu some symptoms swollen or redness of gums, bad breath, bleeding while brushing, tender gums points out toward periodontal infection.
We at Kims Dental Spa have the state of art facilities and treat all the diseases that are associated with the gums like:-
In the Non-Surgical Treatment scaling and polishing is involved. In this process we remove unwanted food particles, calculus and plaque that accumulate around the tooth. The efficiency of the process is more or less dependent on which stage the disease is, the competence of instrumentation and the safeguarding on the patient?s part.
We at Kims Dental Spa always advise patients that no matter how good you are at brushing, you cannot attain 100% effectiveness in maintenance. In this case tiny depositions keep occurring on a daily basis. For this reason, it is hence recommended to go for professional maintenance one time in six months even if no gum problem is evident.
In the Surgical Treatment is generally suggested for challenging cases where total removal from tooth?s root surface is not feasible by scaling owing to the deep diffusion of the deposits. This procedure is also called as flap operation or surgery. This surgery is done under local anaesthesia and the whole process is painless and no discomfort is caused.
For more details contact Kims Dental Spa at +91-9934200786/0612 2589826 or mail us at
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